Just For Fun

"An internationally recognized 13-year-old prodigy, considered the only known child binary genius," both in realistic painting and poetry.  This is a little girl with amazing talents!
"Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer."
"The latest danger sport that combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well pressed shirt."  Be sure to spend a few minutes browsing the photos in the galleries, they're sure to bring a smile or laugh.
 There are geography games, vocabulary games and trivia games.  

Geography  "Learn the geography and capitals of world countries and USA states. Country, state, and capital names are pronounced for easier learning."

Vocabulary "
Improve your vocabulary and boost your SAT / GRE scores. Master the 720 most frequently tested vocabulary words with these free web quizzes."

Trivia   "
Learn fascinating facts about various topics. Each trivia quiz question includes a detailed explanation of the correct answer."

Videos from U-Tube
This is a video that I adore. I have watched it many times and it continues to make me smile. It has won a variety of awards including Best Narrative Short at the Cleveland International Film Festival and the Audience Award at the Hawaii International Film Festival.  The film is about 16 minutes long.  

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