Sensory Products
"Kid Companions is a chewable and wearable fidget that is safe, stylish and effective. It's the perfect alternative to fidget toys and chewys that can be less-than-discreet. Accessories for a growing special needs child can be a challenge. Youth affected by Sensory Processing Disorder -SPD, Autism Spectrum Disorder -ASD, Attention Deficit Distorder ADD/ADHD, etc."
Directions on how to sew your own cooling ties or vests for the summer.
Source of  items to practice balance and motor planning, Discount Supply also carries floor mats, water and sand play.
  • Hot Pockets ™
Use these warmed wraps for soothing and relaxing. Also available on this site are Evap Wraps ™ whiich can be used to help with cooling. 
A source for a weighted vest pattern or weighted vest patterns
These CDs are designed to help children with auditory sensitivities and fear of loud noises.  Sound-Eaze contains household and community noises set to vocals and rythm to comfort children with auditory sensitivities.  The School-Ease CD combines sounds heard at school and the community with rhytms.
Seamfree socks, underwear, bras and clothes for all ages.
"After several requests for seamless socks from "desperate" parents, SmartKnitKIDS socks were created.  Knit the same way a caterpillar spins its cocoon, SmartKnitKIDS socks are started at the toe and worked up toward the ankle.  This process insures a 100% seamless sock, so there are no seams to bug ya!  A form-fitting design also keeps those annoying lumps and bumps out of the socks."
A provider of sensory integration equipment
"Many children are extra-sensitive to the texture and feel of clothing. Soft® is the first line of inclusive clothing designed with the needs of all children in mind, including those with Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, and tactile defensiveness/sensitivity. We use flat seaming and seamless construction for extra comfort, 100% of the softest combed cotton and our specially developed Soft Sensory Blends, wide collars, encased elastic waistbands, printed labels (tagless), custom fits, and much more."
Flexiable compression garmets to assist with stability and proprioceptive deficits.  SPIO is part of a non-profit orginization (Dynamic Familly Services) and any profits are used to help support children's therapy.  Each garmet comes with a 90 day  money back guarantee.
Carries a wide range of products: fine motor, fidgets, oral moS
For the health of your feet -  carries a variety of support and seamlesss socks
This clothing provides light compression which can be worn under other clothinng.  Available online from Under Armour or from local department and sports stores.
This company carries weighted vests, weighted collars, weighted belts, wrist & leg weights,  pressure vests, pressure tops and shorts, and lap pads