Special Needs Products

"Kid Companions is a chewable and wearable fidget that is safe, stylish and effective. It's the perfect alternative to fidget toys and chewys that can be less-than-discreet. Accessories for a growing special needs child can be a challenge. Youth affected by Sensory Processing Disorder -SPD, Autism Spectrum Disorder -ASD, Attention Deficit Distorder ADD/ADHD, etc."
Danmar manufatures special products for special needs, such as head gear, positioning equipment, and swim aids
Orthopedic Footwear (shoes and socks) designed for AFOs.
Custom designed coats and outerwear for indivisuals confined to wheelchairs
Incontinence products for children and adults
The core Mini-Miracles clothing line consists of items chosen to meet the basic needs of the special needs child (e.g.: gastro-intestinal feeding tube access pocket,  flat seams to reduce friction, cut to fit diapers, etc.).. The clothing line is made of the highest quality Peruvian cotton.
Flexiable compression garmets to assist with stability and proprioceptive deficits.  SPIO is part of a non-profit orginization (Dynamic Familly Services) and any profits are used to help support children's therapy.  Each garmet comes with a 90 day  money back guarantee.
Carries a wide range of products: fine motor, fidgets, oral motor, therapy music and books,  weighted items, seating specialties and more